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Writer's pictureMark Simmons

Spanish Cruise October 2021

Day Two: Toast, Tango and Tuxedo.

It wouldn’t be a Lyn and Mark Average Holiday without some bad weather. On this occasion it started as we left Malaga and followed us across the Mediterranean as we cruised towards Valencia. We had some dinner which was served by ‘Wilfredo’ this is his real name which I love. I think I’ll request his section for dinner again as he was constantly trying to top up my wine glass. We then went straight to bed as we’d been up since 2am. Despite the weather or maybe because of it I actually managed to sleep longer than 6 hours (the 2 Singapore Slings I had in the afternoon may also have helped) but I did somehow manage to spend £5 on ‘internet’ while sat on the toilet around midnight just by switching my phone on.

Of course an advantage of bad weather the day before normally means you have a spectacular sunrise the following morning. Unless you’re in the UK in which case it’s more rain. While we were having our first breakfast I looked out the window and saw it was going to be a stunner. Lyn said this was the first sunrise she’s ever sat and watched. For our ‘second’ breakfast Lyn was living her best life, tea in a pot, skimmed milk, toast, bacon, poached eggs, fruit and as a bonus I didn’t have to do any of it!

A sea day is a nice way to start your cruise as it’s quite relaxing. It also gives you a chance to plan what you’re going to do for the rest of the week. Fortunately we’d found out that we could leave the ship and explore on our own instead of having to be part of an excursion so we’ve only booked 2 of these this time giving us plenty of opportunity to get lost and potentially miss a sailing.

Mid morning we thought we’d try our hand at beginner’s ballroom dancing. Lyn went from her best life to worse as this is way out of her comfort zone so full marks to her for doing it. The result was we are terrible but we did have a laugh. We’ll stick to having the occasional slow dance in the kitchen while dinner is cooking. My foot and hip are killing me and I started to sweat doing the Cha Cha Cha and didn’t stop until we’d finished and sat down to have some mocktails.

After lunch and a quick power nap we had a relaxing afternoon in the Squid & Anchor. There definitely seems to be a lot less people on board. Last time we were on the ship we would have struggled to find a seat, but we did manage to do some people watching. My favourite was a passenger who looked like Salvador Dali did a painting of Bobby George. There’s a lot to unpack with that reference but I’m pleased with the imagery so I’m keeping it.

It was ‘dress to impress’ for the evening so that’s what we did. Lyn put on a ‘frock’ (she hates it when I call a dress this but I shall continue anyway) and I donned my £70 tuxedo from China (thanks Amazon). Honestly I rock a tux, Wilfredo said so. I’m not sure how long my trouser fly was open but I think that just adds to the James Bond vibe.

You can have too much of a good thing and quite frankly my tux went from snug to a danger of the buttons popping off so after dinner we got changed for the 3rd time that day into more comfortable clothing and went to see the show. A good day. Tomorrow Valencia.

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1 comentário

05 de out. de 2021

Very witty, keep it coming

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